ok , some of you for sure didn't get it , kan ?
some people , they find irresistible to share everything . everything ! cut it short , they update even the tiniest little thing happened to them . blog pasal baru beli stuff baru , makan aiskrim malaysia dgn balak kat restoran exclusif , baru lepas bljr buat cupcake and ada gak yg tukar status stiap 10 minit , more or less . the worst irrelevant scenario is , of course PDA babe -PUBLIC DISPLAY OF AFFECTION .
peoples are long for attentions . they want to be noticed . they wish for immortality . they crave to be in connection . they hate to be left-out . they need someone to say it's ok even it's not . they do stupid and silly things no matter what happened - they keep doing the same things again and again .
judgmental ea ? hehh . macam ak ny bukan one of the people jee . HAHA
dengan rasminya ak sudah menamatkan
perkhidmatan as promoter kehormat di sogo :)
Are u serious babe ?
Bertambah lagi teman penganggur aku ^.^
yep yep ! haha . ak join club pnggur kw nuis ;)
aku pun penganggur juaa :)
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